imputeTS v3.1 now on CRAN
The newest version (3.1) of the imputeTS package is now on CRAN. It is a major update with all kinds of improvements and additions. Especially the plotting functions are updated and the new visualizations look great. ( Check out the gallery of missing data plots)
Main (visible) new features:
Plotting functions are all in ggplot now (way better looking, better adjustable)
Plotting functions got new names (ggplot_na_distribution, ggplot_na_intervals, ggplot_na_gapsize, ggplot_na_imputations)
Speedup for ggplot_na_gapsize calculation
Added harmonic and geometric mean as option for na_mean
Removed bug in na_replace -for NA only vectors
Improved na.random input check (usable with all NA input now if upper and lower bound paramters are exlicitly set to numeric values)
Added additional missing data stats to statsNA function (Number of Gaps, Average Gap Size)
Added the imputeTS Cheat Sheet as Vignette
Added new vignette ‘Gallery Missing Data Visualizations’